Thursday, January 24, 2008

Oh, my precious lovely Regan, i miss you so!

Okay, i'm not really here abt jts.!
Okay okay.

Firstly, 'm here to congratulate those who did really well for O lvls! ((:
Hip hip Hurray!

Secondly, 'm here to congratulate and - at the same time,
encourage those who didnt do as they expected to do.
You guys didnt do badly/lousily ya?
And.. Hey guys,
we, as one OG, are here for you all okay?
I know its like a period of turmoil and confusion,
but you guys will pull through.!
Some of us are praying real hard for you guys, and truly hoping that God's grace and mercy will pull you all through it :D
God knows what He is doing, He does (:
to the girls : *hugs* :P

Aww man, i really can't bear to see any of you guys to leave.
You know you guys are like God's 2008 New Year gift to me!
Other OGs are envious of us :P

Okay, separate matter now,
JTS! or JNS! (whatever la, i dont really care now already, i just wna go out with you guys)
Okay, i know all of our timetables are diverseddddd.
And i dont know if i really can get everyone together, but we'll try ok?
Here are some options...
1. We go out next week, for dinner on one of the sch days?
2. We go out next week dinner, then meet up once more on the half day on cny eve to go out chill?
3. We make it a complete trip on cny eve(will be halfday, i HOPE), like after the celebration in school, we can go settlers/minds cafe and have a wacky time and then go eat dinner?

Please spread the news of the blog to the Reganites, ESPECIALLY THIS POST.
and post your preferences on the tagboard!

Love you all much much!
-Wenqi :D

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